Meet Nick

Nick Pino

Business Development Manager

Nick Pino joined Konik in 2020 as a Business Development Manager. In total, Nick has about seven years in combined experience in the staffing and recruiting industries. He got into the field by chance when he wanted to find a “sales” job that was also an opportunity to help others, and he has not looked back since. He loves working with clients and developing relationships that go beyond their staffing needs and helps them succeed and grow.

In his spare time, he enjoys hanging with his three kids. Lucy (7) is very silly and a great singer/dancer, Roman (4) who loves the Avengers and hanging in the garage with his dad, and June (1 ½) who loves going on walks and pretending that her dad does not exist! Nick likes having people over to hang in his garage bar and his hot tub. He loves music and plays golf as much as possible.

What are your hobbies?
As a father of three, I spend a lot of my time with my kids, going to the pool, going on walks, spending my hard-earned money on them, and just having as much fun as I can with them. I really love listening to music, and I have a huge collection of vinyl records of all sorts of different genres. I am also a golfer and get out at least once a week!

If you could live anywhere for one year, where would it be and why?
I am not sure I have one destination in mind, but it would have to be on a beach!

What is your taste in music?
EVERYTHING! I know a lot of people say that, but for me, it is true. I like pop, country, hip-hop, alt, punk, classic rock, jazz, international, and more!

Who would you cast to play you in a movie about your life?
The movie would probably be a comedy, so I think someone like Bill Hader or Adam Sandler.

What is one piece of advice you would give to a jobseeker?
Don’t be desperate and accept just “any job.” Do a lot of research and make sure it is a place you can see yourself at for a long time. Do not get stuck as a “job jumper!”

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work at a company that not only values its employees and customers but also takes a serious look at what it can do to help the community? That's exactly what I found here at Konik!

– Nick Pino

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